Quality Assurance

About Quality Assurance

MHI Power Control Systems has established a quality management system to provide satisfactory services and products. In accordance with the below objectives, our company strives to improve service and quality in our products.

  1. Provide high quality products
  2. Provide products that meet every customer's need.
  3. Continue challenging ourselves while seeking improvements in customer satisfaction.
  4. Every year, we shall set forth information security management objectives to establish its basics, and to aim for continuous improvement.
Certification Number
ISO 9001 – 0067829
Standard Code ISO 9001:2015, JIS Q 9001:2015
Scope of
Design, development, manufacture, commissioning and maintenance service of systems
and equipment for supervisory and control.
Certification Authority LRQA Limited
Accreditation Authority The United Kingdom Accreditation Service(UKAS)
Expiration Date February 7, 2028

Certificate of Approval