GTCC Performance Diagnosis


Interactive web-based service gives operators holistic view of plant thermal performance

As competition among power sources continues to grow, optimizing GTCC plant performance and ensuring efficient operations are becoming more important. Plants need to reduce operating expenses, especially fuel costs. Mitsubishi Power used its expertise to create TOMONI® GTCC Performance Diagnosis that monitors throughout the plant and delivers performance data, diagnostics and engineering insights to develop action plans. GTCC Performance Diagnosis uses a comprehensive thermal cycle digital model to provide comparisons between current and previous plant performance..


  • Plant thermal performance modeling enabled by a comprehensive digital model
  • Calculations of daily performance and reporting of degradation
  • Automated root cause analysis smoothly transitions into maintenance actions

Visualization of Performance Degradation and Sources

Visualization of Performance Degradation and Sources


  • Precise and dependable analysis of plant thermal performance
  • Potential to avoid further performance deterioration
  • Prioritization of action items for outage planning
  • Reduction in fuel costs
  • Guidance for optimal recovery strategies


  • Does not require an outage if necessary sensor data is available on plant data management platforms
  • Information will be needed for scope not provided by Mitsubishi Power, to complete the digital model of the facility
  • Available as a supplement to total plant monitoring or as a stand-alone application


Application Guide:  GTCC Performance Diagnosis

Application Guide: GTCC Performance Diagnosis

Download application guide

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