Remote solution remedies Combustion Pressure Fluctuation

Case study

Industry: Electric power generation


Responding rapidly to Combustion Pressure Fluctuation

Premixed combustors designed with the aim of reducing NOx emissions are more susceptible to Combustion Pressure Fluctuation (CPF) than conventional diffusion combustors. Advanced-Combustion Pressure Fluctuation Monitoring (A-CPFM), a state-of-the-art technology developed exclusively by Mitsubishi Power, is already deployed to suppress CPF. However, CPF is still triggered by changes in fuel properties, atmospheric pressure and other external factors. CPF needs to be addressed quickly because if left unchecked it can result in damage to combustors and turbine components. While technical advisers can visit power plants to perform combustion tuning after scheduled inspections, the highly-skilled nature of the task makes it difficult to automate, so response times can be slow.

An observer is watching monitors

No more worrying about unexpected restrictions on output

Combustion tuning needs to be performed not only after scheduled inspections but also when CPF arises, because CPF can trigger regulating mechanisms that limit the operating load of the plant. While load limitations are in effect the power plant output is restricted, meaning less electricity can be generated and sold. With travel and immigration restrictions due to COVID-19 currently making it more difficult to arrange technical advisers, power plant operators are finding they must wait longer for assistance.



  • Tuning system inspired by client feedback

Tuning system inspired by client feedback

While power plant operators have long sought remote and automatic solutions to their tuning needs, demand has further increased now that the COVID-19 pandemic has put a damper on international travel by technical advisers. This situation has inspired Mitsubishi Power to develop a remote combustion tuning system that links to TOMONI HUBs. To ensure performance and reliability, the system was tested at the T-Point 2 verification GTCC power plant, which operates a state-of-the-art gas turbine. Based on the data elicited, Mitsubishi Power is also developing another service that automatically tunes combustion. Verification is currently being performed at commercial power plants operated by clients.

Demonstration facility combined cycle power plant T-point 2


  • The system will allow combustion tuning to be performed at any time without the need to send technical advisers to the site, enabling rapid responses to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Advances in communication technology will enable minor CPF to be remedied remotely.
  • Able to immediately regulate operations within stable operating parameters, the system will eliminate the need to impose load restrictions or other operational restrictions.