Electro-Deionization Unit (EDI Unit)
System overview
The stack consists of alternating cation and anion exchange membranes, with ion exchange resins filling the spaces between the membranes.
The stack has electrodes at both ends and is structured to apply DC voltage.
Ions contained in the raw water are adsorbed by the ion exchange resins and move on the resin surface under DC current.
Anions are discharged into the concentrated water after passing it through the anion exchange membrane and cations after passing it through the cation exchange membrane.
It produces purified water while continuously regenerating the ion exchange resins.
- Capable of continuous production of high-purity purified water
It is capable of continuous production of purified water with a specific resistivity of 10 MΩ·cm or higher. - No need for regeneration chemicals
Because it is electrically regenerated, no regeneration chemicals are required.
It is capable of reducing running costs compared to conventional ion exchange methods. - Easy operation management and maintenance
Operation control is easy as there is no regeneration operation with chemicals. - Space-saving
Because of its unit design, it can be installed in a space-saving manner.

Implementation example