High-Speed Coagulating Sedimentation Equipment

It is capable of approximately five times faster treatment than the conventional Coagulating-sedimentation treatment.

High-Speed Coagulating Sedimentation Equipment

In the area of SS separation and removal from various types of wastewater, there is a growing need among users to save space and labor.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Power Environmental Solutions, Ltd. has developed a system capable of high-speed treatment approximately five times faster than conventional Coagulating-sedimentation treatment systems.

System overview

  1. Flocculation process
    Flocs are formed through selection of an appropriate flocculant depending on the properties of the wastewater.
  2. Granulation process
    By optimizing the method of flocculation auxiliary injection and the agitation period, the formed flocs are turned into high-density flocs.
  3. Sedimentation and clarification process
    A slurry blanket layer is formed to increase the sedimentation rate of the high-density flocs.


  1. Compact size
    Capable of high flow rate treatment (5 m/hr).
    Small installation area of less than half that of conventional systems.
    Confirmation is made in laboratory tests using actual wastewater.
  2. High performance
    Microflocs are captured by the slurry blanket layer to suppress carryover.
  3. No need for sludge thickener
    The sludge is consolidated and concentrated to a high concentration (approximately 30,000 mg/L). However, the concentration of sludge varies depending on the wastewater.
High-speed Coagulating sedimentation system for container wastewater treatment


  1. SS removal from various types of wastewater
  2. Capacity enhancement of existing Coagulating-sedimentation systems
  3. Renewal of existing Coagulating-sedimentation systems