Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems are used to eliminate nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the flue gas released by combustion sources such as power plant boilers. The catalyst is the crucial element of this system. Mitsubishi Power has over 40 years of experience in providing reliable SCR catalysts for advanced flue gas treatment systems that help prevent air pollution.
Maximum Capacity
1,075+ MW
Maximum NOx Removal Efficiency
Low Environmental Impact
Slip NH2 < 2ppm
SCR Catalyst
High Reliability
High Durability
High NOx reduction
With over 1,400 SCR plants and catalyst units deployed worldwide, Mitsubishi Power's SCR catalysts feature:
- High NOx reduction meeting required emission standards for all kinds of fossil fuels
- Integrated NOx reduction linked with boilers/HRSGs
- Best optimization of catalysts for customers‘ requirements
- Multiple pollutant control to include mercury and low sulfur trioxide
- High reliability Long-term catalyst maintenance
Our SCR system has been applied to many types of boilers, HRSGs, and heaters that burn various fuels. We are one of the original developers of SCR systems and has over 40 years of experience.

Conventional Boiler
- NOx Removal Efficiency: Max. 95%
- Treated Gas Flow Rate : 3,140,000 Nm3/h, wet
- Fuel : Coal, Oil, Gas, Residual Oil Fuel, etc.

Gas Turbine Simple Cycle (GTSC)
- NOx Removal Efficiency: Max. 95%
- Treated Gas Flow Rate: 1,560,000 Nm3/h, wet
- Fuel : Gas, Oil

Gas Turbine Combined Cycle (GTCC)
- NOx Removal Efficiency : Max. 95%
- Treated Gas Flow Rate : 2,820,000 Nm3/h, wet
- Fuel : Gas, Oil
The SCR catalyst serves as the heart of the SCR system, and we provide both a plate-type catalyst and a honeycomb-type catalyst based on fuel type, system configuration, clients' needs, and other considerations.