Fast-track, On-demand, and Emergency Power

Reliable Electricity has become a basic necessity for people everywhere. Today, having a highly reliable supply of power at all times is crucial. Just as important are having available capacity and on-demand grid-firming capability to react immediately when faced with the intermittent nature of renewable power sources. In order to prevent outages and ensure efficient operation, power generators need to be ready for anything. Fast, flexible, mobile, aero-derivative power solutions that can be quickly delivered, set up, and running as fast as possible are an essential component of a robust power system. Mitsubishi Power Aero has the right products and expertise to help our customers with their most urgent power generation needs.
Power generation within two days from arrival at the site
When soil-bearing capacity is excellent
No ground concrete work required
Integrated housing for the GT and generator
No site alignment required
Operation at 50 Hz⇔60 Hz
Dual Frequency

Planning for The Unplanned
On-demand power is a critical part of any integrated energy solution. But regardless of how prepared you are, there are inevitably events beyond our control that can cause a loss of power. So when these events occur, how do you make sure you’re ready to get power back up and running?

Weathering the storm with Mitsubishi Power
With customized energy solutions, Mitsubishi Power delivers power when it’s needed most. We provide customized, flexible, and fast-track power generation solutions to help you meet energy needs under the most demanding and adverse conditions while providing unmatched proactive and preventive services for upgrades, maintenance, and parts.
Our Approach
Our aero-derivative gas turbines were adapted from aircraft jet engine technology and are designed to start and accelerate to maximum power output, much faster than large-frame turbines or other conventional power plant technology.
- Rapid Start, Ramp Up and Down, and Restart– Unlike other types of power generation, aero-derivative gas turbines are designed to transition from cold start to full power in minutes. When paired with a lithium-ion battery system, the combined package can deliver stored power to the grid within milliseconds while the turbine ramps up to full power.
- Rapid Installation- Aero-derivative packages can be delivered, installed, and operational in days for mobile units and a few months for stationary units, compared to the several years required for large, industrial gas turbine plants. Mitsubishi Power’s fastest-to-operate unit, FT8® MOBILEPAC®, can be shipped by land, air, or sea, and generate power in a matter of days.
- Rapid Mobility- With Mitsubishi Power mobile units, customers can relocate 30-megawatt blocks of power quickly and affordably where it’s needed most to address critical power requirements or in response to emergencies. Under the most demanding O&G applications, where units were relocated every few weeks, the entire process — shutdown to relocation to restart — took as little as 48 hours.
- Customer Support 24/7- To maximize the availability and performance of power packages operating around the globe, Mitsubishi Power customer service managers are deployed worldwide to customers’ time zones and geographies. Increasingly, the use of remote monitoring technology for a real-time view of customer equipment data expedites troubleshooting, alleviates downtime costs, and improves overall reliability

A Name You Can Trust
Whether it is for planned usage or the unexpected surge or disruption in power, Mitsubishi Power has deep expertise in where on-demand power fits into your energy mix. Our products, services and solutions are tailored to help address individual energy needs while delivering on-demand power solutions, from start to finish — from custom design to maintenance and repair to engineering and construction — all in one place. In times of routine planning and crisis response alike, we’re there for our partners as a holistic provider of power generation solutions.
Our approach: industry leading products & services
Featured Success Story

Fast Turnkey Deployment in Mexico
Mitsubishi Power Aero and our affiliate company, Energy Services LLC, have been instrumental in the success of several FT8® MOBILEPAC® gas turbine packaging and installation projects. In June of 2021, Energy Services completed the supply, installation, and commissioning of five 30-megawatt MOBILEPAC units for CFEnergia in Mexicali, Baja California. This fast-track, dual-fuel installation took just 110 days from contract to commercial operation and provided emergency power continuously during the four months of summer peak. Three more MOBILEPAC units were added to the site in 2022 for the summer peak. These eight MOBILEPAC gas turbines operate in the hottest months of the year to provide up to 240 MW of power when it is needed the most.

Why Peaker Plants are Critical on the Path to Net Zero
Mitsubishi Power Aero provides the aero-derivative gas turbines so many customers depend upon for dispatchable generation in energy grids and increased capacity to balance the intermittency of renewables. Aero-derivatives offer fast start, fast ramp-up and ramp-down capabilities, and load following. Power when the world needs it most!
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