Gas Turbines

As the world transitions to clean renewable energy, disruption is not an option. Today’s power producers need reliable gas turbine systems built on years of innovation and backed by proven technology instead of promised performance. Mitsubishi Power has a wide range of gas turbines from the 30 MW class to the 563 MW class to meet diverse needs worldwide.
Trusted Performance to Meet Your Energy Demands
Gas turbines are an essential component in the transition towards cleaner energy. Mitsubishi Power has been developing gas turbines for many years, incorporating the latest advancements in aerodynamics, cooling design, and material technologies. This has led to creating a range of highly efficient and reliable products. Our J-Class gas turbines are state-of-the-art and lead the world in capacity and efficiency.

Our Gas Turbines Lineup
Comparative Performance
- 60 Hz
- 50 Hz
- Mechanical Drive Applications
Mitsubishi Power Gas Turbine Performance (60Hz)
C/C Thermal Efficiency
SC & CC Output
Power Generation (60Hz)

Mitsubishi Power Gas Turbine Performance (50Hz)
C/C Thermal Efficiency
SC & CC Output
Power Generation (50Hz)

For Mechanical Drive Applications

Gas Turbine Services

Buy Proof, Not Promises
We provide customers with technology that has been rigorously tested, verified and delivered on time. Our technology goes through a thorough long-term validation process at our T-Point 2 facility in Japan before it goes to market to our customers. And with more than 3.5 million hours of high-hydrogen operating experience, accumulated over 4 decades across 29 facilities, Mitsubishi Power is uniquely positioned to help you adapt your existing power plant systems.

Industry Leading Reliability
A 1% increase in a turbine's reliability can impact the balance sheet by $50 million. Mitsubishi Power's industry-leading reliability surpasses other manufacturers, requiring them to guarantee more MW to match our fleet's reliability.

Validating before application
Takasago Hydrogen Park, located at Mitsubishi Power’s Takasago Machinery Works is the world’s first center for the validation of hydrogen-related technologies. Our gas turbine technology will undergo verification in the Takasago Hydrogen Park to reduce the risks associated with hydrogen combustion.

Hydrogen-Capable Gas Turbines
With over 3.5 million hours of operations on fuels containing hydrogen across 29 units since the 1970s, Mitsubishi Power has established itself as a leader in this technology. Our extensive experience and know-how in handling hydrogen as a fuel give us the confidence to guide you through the transition.
Proven Success

Learn how Georgia Power, Mitsubishi Power, Southern Company Research & Development, and EPRI were the first to validate 20% hydrogen fuel blending on an advanced class gas turbine in North America — a record-breaking advancement and a significant step in the pathway to decarbonization.