Generator Services

Inside a generator repair services

At Mitsubishi Power, safety is at the forefront of everything we do from our factories to the field. Through our comprehensive  generator services, we provide customers with everything from spare parts to outage support, all delivered with  our exceptional quality and expertise.

Our skilled outage services team provides comprehensive service, maintenance, and repair for gas turbines, steam turbines, and generators. We use proven, reliable parts to ensure Mitsubishi Power meets our  goal of reducing outage durations and increasing profitability for our customers.

Services to Maximize Your Plant's Potential

Our commitment is to the entire lifecycle of your plant

From the construction phase and throughout your long-term service agreement, our team of experts are here to support you. We are dedicated to the reliability, efficiency, and profitability of your equipment for decades to come.

continuous enhancement

Continuous Technology Enhancement

We know that buying one of our units is more than just an equipment purchase - it's an investment in your future. As the technology progresses, our mature frames benefit from these advancements, ensuring your generation is reliable, flexible, and efficient.


Expertise that You Can Count On

When you invest in a Mitsubishi Power product or service, you are buying more than equipment. You’re investing in peace of mind knowing that your purchase is more than a machine that went through production and assembly – it's the realization of over 150 years of innovation, research, and expertise from people all over the world.

Mitsubishi Power is a full-service provider of generator and cooling components for multiple OEM's. Our parts include but are not limited to:

  • Cooling assemblies
  • Insulation components
  • Generator auxiliaries


At Mitsubishi Power, we prioritize safety in the field, the factory, and our offices. We develop and deliver effective safety programs ensuring a sustainable safety culture for all of our employees.