DIASYS Netmation4S

Components and Specifications


DIASYS Netmation4S further enhances the operability and rich maintenance tool features of DIASYS Netmation, adds new hardware certified to Functional Safety Standards (IEC61508) to the lineup, and also allows the development of SIL-compliant safety instrumented systems. Compared with previous products offered by Mitsubishi Power, DIASYS Netmation4S dramatically improves performance and reliability and complies with functional safety standards while fuses process control with safety instrumentation while ensuring their independence, and offers more flexible and versatile systems that cater to customer needs.


The Four S' s of DIASYS Netmation4S

  • Safety
    Systems compliant with the IEC61508 Functional Safety Standards can be developed. This contributes to improved facility safety.
  • Smartness
    With simple engineering tools and extensive analytical functions, features boasting excellent maintainability achieve lower maintenance costs.
  • Scalability
    We achieve a fusion of general purpose control systems and safety instrumented systems, allowing customers to develop flexible system configurations.
  • Stability
    By enhancing the self-diagnostic functions and adding a control program emulation feature, we have achieved even higher safety than previous offerings.

Able to Coexist on the Same Network as DIASYS Netmation

The DIASYS Netmaiton4S can be installed on the same network as a DIASYS Netmation Multiple Process Station (MPS), allowing operation and monitoring to be implemented using a system above DIASYS Netmation.

Control Equipment that Makes Up DIASYS Netmation4S

  • Dependable Process Station (DPS)

    The general-purpose control system and safety instrumented system can be used together.

  • Netnode Process Station (NPS)

    This control equipment is used for I/O with instruments and other equipment installed on-site at the plant, automated plant control, and various computational processing.
