DPS Components

List of Dedicated DPS Modules

This is the lineup of dedicated DPS products.

Check the PDF file for details.


Name Overview
Logic Solver LSLSM01 (216 KB) Intel Pentium Processor 1.5GHz
Network Adapter LSNAM02 (204 KB) Intel Pentium Processor D1519 Internal operating frequency 1.5 GHz
IO Scanner LSIOS01 (294 KB) Compliant with Gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-T Specifications
LSIOS01-1 (260 KB) Compliant with Gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-T Specifications
Backplane LSLSB01 (205 KB) Backplane for SCLSM01/LSNAM01/LSIOS01
Fan Module LSACF02 (212 KB) DC24V DC Fan Unit
Blank case LSBCLSM Blank case for Logic Solver/Network Adapter
LSBCIOS Blank case for IO Scanner