General Turbine Control Module

This is the lineup of general turbine control modules for DIASYS Netmation.
Check the PDF file for details.

Name Overview
SVL Module LSSVL12D (300 KB) LVDT input / output 4/5/6-wire excitation 5 V to 8 V, 800 to 8000 Hz,
LSSVL12D-1 (322 KB) LVDT input / output 4/5/6-wire excitation 5 V to 8 V, 800 to 8000 Hz,
SVT Module LSSVT11 (254 KB) Servo valve interface modules SVT01/02
Transmitter input, demand output ±20 mA/+20 mA
LSSVT13 (260 KB) Servo valve interface modules SVT03/04
Transmitter input 0 to 250 mA
EOST Module LSEOS01 (244 KB) Electrical over speed trip function (EOS)
LSEOS01-1 (262 KB) Electrical over speed trip function (EOS)
GTI Module LSGTI01 (419 KB) Gas turbine interlock function (GTI)
OPC Module LSOPC01 (245 KB) Over speed protection (OPC)
TCL Module LSTCL01 (250 KB) Turbine interlock demand output (TCL)
Vibration Module LSVIM01 (353 KB) Vibration pressure variation, Combustor vibration input, FFT analysis